How We Started
NaturebyMarcBeyrouthy is all about green projects. We work with clients to accelerate their climate and sustainability journey. We help them identify and harness climate innovation, embed sustainability at scale into their business, and capture the value they create.

Nature by Marc Beyrouthy Awards :
In addition to this, our CEO is a Formal Advisor to the Minister of Environment in charge of biodiversity, eco-tourism, and sorting from source, he participated in developing several policy documents and in many high-level meetings and represented Lebanon many times abroad. He is also a subject matter expert for several UNDP and GEF-sponsored projects and ministries in Lebanon and in the Middle East.
In addition, he is the National Expert for Biodiversity responsible for the Revision/Updating of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), the Preparation of the 5th National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and the Undertaking of Clearing House Mechanism (CHM) Activities.
He serves on the Advisory board of Compost Baladi and Board member of ECOSERV NGO dealing with electronic waste.